Monday, January 30, 2012

"How do I resist the Enemy"

James 4:7 Submit yourselves there-fore to God. resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
My friend understand the Keys:

1. Submitting yourselves
2. Submitting to the right purpose
3. What is it to Resist?
4. How do we resist?

My friend 4 of the simplest questions yet 4 of the most complicated ones to achieve.

Submit: to surrender to yield oneself to another, be obedient, the act of humility

Resist: to oppose, to withstand,

The question is not only knowing and understanding the act of submitting and resisting but how to incorporate them into our daily lives and our relationships with God.
The first thing you must understand God did not, I repeat God did not call you to FIGHT. He called you to resist and stand...
In the resistance it's the act of opposing The enemy. Remember the prophet wrote when the enemy comes in like a flood God would raise (restore, elevate, Increase) up a standard...Isaiah 59:19
and my friend that standard is your praise, not your fight. God spoke and said Stand the word stand means to remain uninjured and unaffected.
I know the first thing that you think about is Paul, when he said I have fought a good fight....Understand the Fight that Paul fought, was the same battle that we struggle with in our daily lives...(I MUST DECREASE THAT HE MIGHT INCREASE) It was not against the enemy but was the fight of the surrendering of his will and allow God's will to rise. The writer says my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways..
You oppose the enemy by allowing your praise to be elevated...Psalms 68:1 Let God ARISE, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

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