Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"What is destroying God's people"

The bible says:
My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge....

It's important to understand what it is we are missing lest we be destroyed...We are living in a religious world where the devil is blamed for everything.......My friend you must understand the prophet Isaiah spoke and said

NO weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you, you shall condemn. Iasiah 54:17

when your problem may very well be you at no fault of yours. Knowledge is not what you know or don't know, the Word knowledge comes from the Hebrew and it means intimacy to be intimate with. we struggle in our walk and our relationship with God in the intimate realm... it's also important that you look deeper into the word knowledge as it has 9 letters and the number 9 is the number of Judgement....This is not always bad or the negative side....because as we look deeper into the word judgement we find in defining it a meaning that bring life and hope. meaning One who administers justice....WOW....when we become intimate with God he brings justice into the issues we have been struggling with.

You can't possess something and live in a realm that you don't understand. My friend Victory is not a feeling, emotion or adrenalin. as we have been taught. When those things end they bring fatigue, and then we become vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. If you are struggling in your walk with God remember this friend the bible says draw nigh to him and he will draw nigh to you.... or be intimate with him and he will be intimate with you....this brings fulfillment, completeness and great strength.

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