Saturday, July 14, 2012

Original Choatic and New


‘VERSE 2   WAS WITHOUT FORM:  lie waste; a desolation (of surface),  desert; a worthless thing;  in vain :- confusion, empty place.

AND VOID:  meaning to be empty); a vacuity, an undistinguishable ruin :- emptiness, void.

AND DARKNESS:  misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness :- dark (-ness), night, obscurity.

AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED:  brood; by implication to be relaxed :- flutter, move, shake.

LET THERE BE LIGHT:  illumination or luminary  lightning, happiness, bright, clear,  day,  morning, sun.

GOD DIVIDED LIGHT FROM DARKNESS:  separate, distinguish,  difference, divide asunder

The Pre-Adamite World
1. The following facts prove that the term "in the beginning" in  
 Genesis 1:1 refers to the original creation of the heavens and the earth, and does not refer to the time or work of the six days of 
Genesis 1:3-2:25:(1) The word "and" is used 153 times in  
Genesis 1-2 to separate the 102 independent acts of God. The "and" of  Genesis 1:2 proves that the work of Genesis 1:2 is entirely independent of the work of Genesis 1:1. While Genesis 1:1 records the original creation of the heavens and the earth, Genesis 1:2 records the original dry land, or earth, made into chaos and flooded through a great catastrophe which destroyed all life on a pre-Adamite earth. 
(2) The word "was" in Genesis 1:2 is from the verb to become, not the verb to be, proving that the earth became waste and empty since its original creation and habitation in the beginning. See note on "was," Genesis 1:2
(3) The phrase "without form" in Genesis 1:2 (see notes there) is from the Hebrew tohuw (OT:8414), meaning waste or desolation. It is translated "waste" (Deut. 32:10), "without form" (Genesis 1:2; Jeremiah 4:23), "vain" (Isaiah 45:18; 1 Samuel 12:21), "confusion" (Isaiah 24:10; Isaiah 34:11; Isaiah 41:29), "empty" (Job 26:7), "vanity" (Isaiah 40:17,23; Isaiah 44:9; Isaiah 59:4), "nothing" (Job 6:18; Isaiah 40:17), and "wilderness" (Job 12:24; Psalm 107:40). It can be seen from these passages what the condition of the earth was in Genesis 1:2. Yet Isaiah 45:18 states that God did not create the earth "in vain," or tohuw (OT:8414). Therefore, the earth was originally perfect, dry land, beautiful, and inhabited, but later became empty, waste, and a ruin because of sin (Deut. 32:4; Eccles. 3:11).
(4) The Hebrew for "void" in Genesis 1:2 is bohuw (OT:922), "empty, ruined, void." It is translated "void" (Genesis 1:2; Jeremiah 4:23), and "emptiness" (Isaiah 34:11). The Hebrew phrase, tohuw wabohuw, "waste and empty," describes the chaotic condition of the earth at the time that it was cursed and flooded because of the sins of Lucifer and the pre-Adamites. It doesn't refer to the earth as originally created-beautiful, perfect, dry land.
2. The earth was created to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18), and was inhabited before the flood of Genesis 1:2 and the work of the six days of Adam's time (Genesis 1:3-2:25; Isaiah 14:12-14; Jeremiah 4:23-26; Ezekiel 28:11-17; 2 Peter 3:5-7).
3. The earth is called "dry land" in Genesis 1:10 which means that Genesis 1:1 could read, "In the beginning God created the heaven and dry land." Since it was created dry, it stands to reason that the flooded condition of Genesis 1:2 was a curse, not a creative act. According to Psalm 136:6 the earth was originally "stretched above the waters," not covered by them (see note, Psalm 136:6). This requires a pre-Adamite race whose sin brought such a curse.
4. In Genesis 1:2 the earth is not only flooded with water but covered in total darkness, causing all life on earth to be destroyed. This requires a pre-Adamite world with vegetation, birds, animals, and human beings as proven in the notes on Jeremiah 4:23-26.
5. Genesis 1:2 reveals that the earth, waters, and darkness were already in existence before the work of the six days which began in Genesis 1:3 and continued until the earth was restored to a second habitable state in Genesis 2:25. Thus, it is clear from Genesis 1:1-2 (and related scriptures) that:
(1) In the beginning-the dateless past, not six thousand years ago-God created the heavens, including the sun, moon, and stars. See note, Psalm 136:7.
(2) At the same time God also created the earth or dry land.
(3) The heavens and the earth were created by God, a personal and an eternal Being. They were not the result of a cosmic accident.
(4) The heavens were created before the earth, as revealed in Job 38:4-7.
(5) Both the heavens and the earth were created before the earth was flooded.
(6) The earth was created dry land, not wet and flooded (Genesis 1:1,10; Isaiah 45:18).
(7) The waters that flooded the dry land were created in the beginning along with the earth, to cause the dry land to become productive (Job 38:4-30), not to curse the earth as in Genesis 1:2.
(8) Light and darkness was also created in the beginning, to help sustain life on the earth (Job 38:4-41).
(9) The earth alone was cursed, flooded, and filled with darkness-not the heavens (Genesis 1:2).
We therefore conclude that Genesis 1:1-2 proves a pre-Adamite world that was destroyed in a flood, requiring the making of the present Adamite world for God's original purpose for the earth to be realized (Isaiah 45:18).
6. Genesis 1:2 reveals the Spirit of God moving on the flooded earth to restore dry land. This confirms that the pre-Adamite world was destroyed, making it necessary to restore the earth to a second habitable state.
7. In Scripture, all instances of obscuring the sun and bringing darkness are the result of judgment, not creation-which is also true of the two universal floods (Genesis 6:8-8:22; Exodus 10:21-23; Isaiah 5:30; Jeremiah 4:23-26). All predictions of future darkness depict judgment

Could we say that Genesis 1:2 is the only place in Scripture where darkness and a universal flood are not an act of judgment? If it isn't an option, then Genesis 1:2 proves that there was a pre-Adamite world destroyed by darkness and flood. No one questions that Noah's flood was an act of judgment, or doubts the existence of free moral agents before the flood actually came. Why then doubt the existence of a pre-Adamite world which was destroyed by the darkness and flood of Genesis 1:2? See Lucifer's Flood.
8. The command for Adam to "replenish" the earth (fill it again, not plenish it) proves the earth had been filled before this (Genesis 1:28). God gave the same command to Noah, after the second universal flood (Genesis 9:1-2). Should we conclude that God meant for Noah to fill the earth for the first time, and not refill it? Substitute the word fill (meaning supply for the first time) in 

as some do in Genesis 1:28 and see if it makes better sense. Whatever we conclude in the other places where "replenish" is used, we should be consistent and give the same meaning to Genesis 1:28.
9. The fact that Lucifer had already ruled the earth and become a fallen creature before Adam's time is proof that Adam and his race were not the first ones on earth. We must acknowledge that Satan's fall was before Adam's time, because he was already a fallen creature when he came into Adam's Eden (Genesis 3; 2 Cor. 11:3). Hence, he must have fallen with a pre-Adamite creation.
10. According to Isaiah 14:12-14, Lucifer actually invaded heaven from earth, hoping to defeat God and take His kingdom; but Lucifer himself was defeated and his kingdom cursed. Before his defeat, he had a throne, implying a kingdom and subjects to rule over. His kingdom was under the clouds, under the stars, and under heaven-therefore, on earth. Having weakened the nations over whom he ruled, and wanting to be like God and take His place in heaven, Lucifer led the invasion of heaven. All this had to be in Adam's day, because no such things have occurred since Adam was created.
11. Ezekiel 28:11-17 pictures Lucifer before he fell, as the anointed cherub or protector of the earth, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, ruling in a garden of Eden (before Adam), created by God and perfect in his ways up to the time of his fall. The passage gives both the reason for his fall and the results. The only time this could have been true of Satan was before the days of Adam, thus proving a pre-Adamite world.
12. In Jeremiah 4:23-26 we have a full description of the earth under a total curse, as in Genesis 1:2. It was desolate and empty. The heavens had no light, the hills and mountains were undergoing convulsions, and there was neither man, bird, animal, nor fruitful place; no city was left standing because of God's fierce anger. The only time Jeremiah could have seen the earth "without form and void" was at the same time that Moses saw it thus, as recorded by him in Genesis 1:2. There never has been a time from Adam until now when the earth was in such a state-not even at the time of Noah's flood-and there will never be a time of such a curse in the eternal future. The only time Jeremiah 4:23-26 could be fulfilled was before Adam, because the earth was in that condition when the Spirit began the six days' work of restoring it to a second habitable state (Genesis 1:2-21). Regarding the future, this will never be the condition of the earth again, because at His second coming Christ will begin to reign over all nations on earth forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end 
Even the renovation of heaven and earth at the end of the Millennium will not make the earth desolate as pictured in  
Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23-26 (see notes,  
Therefore, Jeremiah 4:23-26 must refer to the same judgment as Genesis 1:2, proving further that a real social system-human beings, birds, fruitful places, cities-existed before Adam.
13. Psalm 104:5-9 speaks of God sending a flood on the earth after its creation, at which time the waters stood above the mountains. Psalm 104:7 identifies this as Lucifer's flood, saying "At Thy rebuke they fled." In the case of Noah's flood, the waters slowly and naturally abated. Furthermore, Psalm 104:9 makes it clear that this flood was at a time when God set a boundary for the waters "that they turn not again to cover the earth," and that is what happened in the six days' work of Genesis 1:3-2:25. Thus, Psalm 104:5-9 refers to the same flood as Genesis 1:2 and proves the existence of a pre-Adamite world which was overthrown by a flood.
14. Turning to the New Testament we find that Jesus taught the fall of Satan from heaven in Luke 10:18. When did he fall? Before Adam's time, because he was already a fallen creature when he came into Adam's Eden (Genesis 3). Why did he fall? Because of pride and wanting to exalt his earthly kingdom above God's (Isaiah 14:12-16; Ezekiel 28:11-17). What was the result of his fall? All of Satan's earthly subjects as well as over one third of God's own angels fell with him (Rev. 12:3,7-12); and all nations were totally destroyed, along with vegetation, fish, fowl, and animals (2 Peter 3:5-7). Thus, Luke 10:18 substantiates the teaching of Old Testament passages regarding a pre-Adamite world.
15. Jesus further taught the overthrow of the pre-Adamite world by plainly stating that the world had been overthrown. See note, Matthew 13:35.
16. Paul also taught the overthrow of the pre-Adamite world (Ephes. 1:4; Hebrews 4:3; Hebrews 9:26; see notes at these scriptures and the note on Matthew 13:35). In Col. 1:15-18 he made it clear that there are thrones, principalities, and powers in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible. It shouldn't be difficult to believe that Lucifer was given one of these thrones and a kingdom to rule over, before he fell. That his kingdom was on earth in a pre-Adamite period is indicated by the fact that he returned to the earth after his fall and brought about the downfall of the new ruler, Adam. Why all this desire to usurp man's dominion on earth if the earth was not at one time Lucifer's place of rulership? Even his eternal punishment will be in the lake of fire under the earth, which further proves his sin was in connection with the earth-and when else could that have been but at the time of a pre-Adamite world?
17. Contrasting "the world that then was" with the heavens and the earth "which are now" Peter spoke clearly of a social system overthrown before Adam. See Pre-Adamites.
18. John also referred to the overthrow of the pre-Adamite world, as is clear from the note on Rev. 13:8.
Thus, it is clear that both the Old Testament and the New Testament give proof of a pre-Adamite world. Scientific findings of prehistoric animals and human beings, the age of the earth, and other facts are consistent with the Biblical revelation of a pre-Adamite social system. There are many questions which cannot be answered apart from a belief in the pre-Adamite age. How did Lucifer become the devil and the prince of demons? When did he weaken the nations, ascend into heaven to exalt his throne above the stars, and fall from heaven as in Isaiah 14:12-14? How did demons originate, for what purpose, and when? What caused the calamity of Genesis 1:2; Jeremiah 4:23-26; Psalm 104:6-9; and 2 Peter 3:5-6? Why was hell prepared for the devil and his angels as stated in Matthew 25:41, and why was it located beneath the earth (Matthew 12:40; Ephes. 4:7-11)? Why was Adam told to "replenish" the earth and not merely to plenish it? These and other questions go unanswered apart from a belief in the pre-Adamite world.
Hebrew: hayah , became. Translated "became" 67 times (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 19:26; Genesis 20:12; Genesis 24:67; etc.); "becamest" (1 Chron. 17:22; Ezekiel 16:8); "came" and "came to pass" 505 times (Genesis 6:1; Genesis 11:2; Genesis 14:1; etc.); "become" 66 times (Genesis 3:22; Genesis 18:18; Genesis 48:19; etc.); "come to pass" 131 times (Genesis 4:14; Genesis 24:43; Genesis 27:40; etc.); and "be" in the sense of "become" (Genesis 1:3,6,9,14; Genesis 3:5; etc.).
Hebrew: tohuw , "waste and empty" (Jeremiah 4:23). The earth wasn't created tohuw in the beginning (Isaiah 45:18), but "became" (see note above) this way because of sin.
Obscuring the sun and consequent darkness is always a result of judgment, never of creation (Genesis 6-8; Exodus 10:21; Jeremiah 4:23; Joel 2:31; Rev. 6:12; Rev. 8:12; Rev. 9:2; Rev. 16:10).
Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr

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