Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"You are what you eat"

"You Are What You Eat"

What are you eating right now? Is it something healthy or not?

I ask to not take personal offence it's not intended for that...I believe God desire's to be healthy  as the scrip declares in 
III John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul propereth.
So friend this is God's desire and we must attempt to walk in his desire and will.....Thank you.
Everything we put in our bodies affects our energy, health, spirit and our minds. It is so important to be conscious of what and how much you eat. I always use the phrase "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"  and  that I do not believe in dieting, but I do believe in portions. YES, portion control, or if you please discipline  can actually save your life.
I love to eat fast food and I love sweets, but here is the catch. I try to limit the amount of times I eat fast food, and 1 limit the amount of sweets. The saying goes “everything in moderation”. This is the simple yet complicated key to it all.
Do you get up in the morning and eat a healthy breakfast or do you just scarf down a bagel with cream cheese? I have a friend a work, that saw my energy level was low through the mornings, and he came to me and ask me if I eat breakfast in the morning? my response to him was No! He told me to start eating something in the morning and I would feel better....And wow I started making me a breakfast sandwich, and my energy level, my attitude was better...I was surprised by the difference.  So friend I challenge you to take the time in the morning and  on the weekend and eat. I know we all work,  and it’s tough to go food shopping, but you need to make your health a priority.
You are what you eat!
Said a wise old man, God if that's true
I'm a garbage can....

If you eat a balanced, healthy breakfast such as an egg with spinach, a whole grain piece of toast and half of a grapefruit, you will begin to see a huge shift in your energy, your brainpower and your relationships. Incorporating spinach into your diet is great! It can be made so many different ways, and you can eat it at every meal. Here are some informational facts about Spinach: spinach is an ideal vegetable to accompany other proteins. The amount of fiber found in one bunch is 30% of your daily value of fiber. This small amount of spinach will help you burn a tremendous amount of fat. Combine the high fiber count with 10 grams of protein and you can now see why spinach is considered to be a fat burning super-food.
But it’s not just the fat burning property of spinach that provides so many health benefits.  The vitamins found in spinach are, vitamins A, C and K, which give you well over 100% of your daily value of each vitamin. It also contains folate, vitamins E and B6. Vitamin K improves overall bone health. Men and woman alike can benefit from stronger bones to help maintain overall good health. Thanks to vitamin K, spinach is also a brain food, enhancing nervous system health and improving brain functions. And by the way, thanks to all of its vitamin A, spinach promotes healthy and moist skin!
Who doesn’t want that?
I  was so amazed at how good the spinach tasted, how filling it was and how much of a meal-in-itself it can be. You can make a wonderful spinach salad with tuna, eggs.
The only thing that really is a pain about spinach is that if you are having a lot of people over for dinner, you will need bags or bunches…and I mean lot’s of bunches. It is true. Spinach does evaporate right before your eyes.
Spinach is just one example of a food that will make you stronger, healthier and thinner, helping you feel great. Now really who would not want that....It's important  to eat slowly,and enjoy your food. Portion out what you eat, and chew your food. Be accountable and responsible not only for you, but for your family as well. Friend there are really no excuses these days. If you can’t get to a grocery store, you now grocery shop online and it will be delivered right to your door. So start now Create a balanced lifestyle for yourself and your family. Start eating healthier foods and be aware of portion sizes. It's important to understand that the scripture says in:
Proverbs 11:1
A FALSE balance is abomination to the LORD:  but a just weight is his delight.
Proverbs 20:23
Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.
You are what you eat!
By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.
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