Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"The comfort Zone"

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

It’s Wednesday at 12:45 pm and I’m sitting here,  looking for a peaceful place to retreat to within myself. I made a choice to sit here in turmoil and my mind in total chaos.  I have this strange feeling for a second, that I'm very insecure like I’m back in grade school, wanting to talk to the girl across the room, but I'm comfortable in mine own world and refuse to step out of my comfort zone. Feels like déjà vu.

All of a sudden I have this saddened feeling in my heart. I only see the other people laughing and talking, wow they look so happy. I was told  Michael join in because someday you will have to leave your comfort zone. At that moment I thought One of the reasons I stay here is so I won't get hurt any longer and then at a moments notice  I had hopes that maybe I would connect with someone cool. It certainly doesn’t look like it's that hard, but wow I've been here so long do I really want to leave my comfort zone....... Stopping myself from going to what I felt was a  negative place, I say, Come on step out of your comfort zone. and just maybe you will find that those insecurities, hurts and pains from your past are keeping you from your future.

I’m staying in the positive! I keep reminding myself, or what I felt was a positive place.  And then I think but maybe I will meet that special person that I've been searching for. I will create an opening inside of me that will allow people into my life, and experience the fulfillment of what life can and  will bring.


Before I know it, a really spirited woman walks into my life's  path. She is so warm, kind, soft and loving as she greets everyone. She is really cute and petite framed, with beautiful hair and a great dimple on the right side of her cheek. She has such a drawing personality and smile.

“Hi,” she says. as she introduces herself. You don’t look familiar.  Are you here with anyone or are you alone?” I respond with, “Hi, I’m Michael. Nice to meet you,. And to answer the second half of your question, yes I am alone and was hoping to meet other other people…and hopefully a beautiful woman!  She responds come on let's mingle “You are going to love meeting new people. They are great! Don’t worry. There are other people that struggle comming out of there comfort zone  just like you. You are not alone.  But it doesn’t matter anyway, because everyone is so friendly and warm. You will have a wonderful time.” As we talk she shares with me some of her struggles, hurts and pains from her past relationships and how she  realized she could not allow herself to be imprisioned by her past another day. 

As we walk and talk, she begans to introduce me  to other poeple . They are all very friendly.
 I then turn on my Phone as that  was my way to pull into my shell,  She laughs  and says put it away,  I'm going to bring you out of your comfort zone and create  a new comfort zone for you.  As I watch the people talking and laughing it was so awesome. Everything is in unison. It’s such a refreshing drive down a new road of life. and it’s starting to clear my head. Looking forward to what lies ahead in my future is now exciting.  When I open my eyes, I realize now it was a dream but it seemed so real and so refreshing I saw the tranquility of lush greenery and vast openness, and watch as we pass people laughing. What once use to be like  “Ice cold water,” All of sudden  it  doesn’t matter any longer as  much to me. It seems like such a content and happy place. It’s making me THINK, the time is now Michael  to come out of your comfort zone. and start enjoying the little things that make you and the people around  happy.

After I awake and realize that I've  arrived at a new destination, even tho I never left where I was. The sun is setting on the Old Michael, and rising on the new Michael. it’s very serene and beautiful.  If you are one of these people I challange you to step out of your comfort zone and began to see what life has for you. The scripture says in Gods word. in

I Corinthians 2: 9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
Ephesians 3:20
Now unto him that is able to do  exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Friend, just take a moment and try to imagine what God has prepared for you and your life. The richess, joy and fulfillment  that lies ahead for not only  you but the relationships you are involved in and the people around you.  if you will just STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.

I quickly change. The atmosphere is very relaxed, secure and comfortable. It sure isn’t what I'm use to, but wow I love the change. I see, hear and feel things differently, but right now it doesn’t matter. That’s the whole purpose.

I gather my thoughts and place God in the center of my life, and  for a moment began to thank him.  How do we stay connected to our spirit and soul? How do we stay present in what we are feeling in the moment? This is the question is maintaining this great change, to keep  open our souls and contiune to  find the happiness within.

Awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.
Have joy and peace in the temple of your senses
Receive encouragement when new frontiers beckon.
Respond to the call of your gift and the courage to follow it’s path.
Let the flame of anger free you of all falsity
May warmth of heart keep your presence a flame
May anxiety never linger about you
May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul
Take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention
Be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul
May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder

 This wonderful, warm feeling comes over me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and here I am in a new place, with new people and enjoying where I am. Nothing seems to even matter. I am experiencing something new and it feels good. I am living in the now, and I’m now open to receiving more.

You see, I needed to get out of my comfort zone and tear down my walls, mentally and spiritually. As a preacher, working from home it can be very isolating. It is very much the same every day and it’s very lonely. So, I have to find ways to inspire myself daily to create and share something of value and meaningful. Digging deep inside, I hope that these experiences and blogs can possibly lift and shift each reader’s life in some helpful way.

Some days I feel like I am in heaven and have the coolest job, while others I feel like a major challenge. I wouldn’t, however, trade my freedom for anything right now, because everything has its price. So now, I’m making more of an effort to get out of my comfort zone.

Aren’t you ready to step out of your comfort zone, trying and experiencing new things? Perhaps, it’s time to meet new people and connect with your inner soul? There is no time like the present!

If you would like a full teaching on this, Please contact Dr. Smith at 
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Dr Michael N. Smith Sr

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