Saturday, January 26, 2013


Is Your Life in Balance?

"Balance is the point where the spiritual, physical and emotional aspects of our personalities come together as 1”
It seems like Every conversation I've heard this  past week is people struggling trying to maintain the demands of life. and how to balance one’s work, personal and spiritual life. The bible says:
Proverbs 11:1
A FALSE balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
Proverbs 20:23
Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD;  and a false balance is not good.
 Friend this is a lifelong process, and it's hard to break yourself of old habits and ways. You must be disciplined  and honest with yourself,  Let's just be realistic with one another, Can it be done? and if so.
How do you balance it all?
Balance creates order and this creates something that works for you and in you.  Friend We are a nation and church teaches that heart and desire of God is wining souls, and yet we are not doing it, our churches are struggling in finances  and numbers more than ever what is the problem? The Bible says in,
I Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order
 It’s about making and  laying out  a clear path and making time for what’s important to you. Time management; Wow, I look at the words time management and first I see TIME:  4 is the number of procreative power simply meaning you have the inward ability to make it happen within you.  Next I look at the word MANAGEMENT= 10 is the number or ordinal=(showing order) perfection.   So I see more than just two words I see the impregnation  or power to make something happen.  perfection is being equipped and furnished complete and it is something that works well here. I find making checklists on a piece of paper of what needs to accomplished  in that day and keeping it within reason and as you learn how to manage time you can add to your daily list. this helps you to start learning how to manage you time. I realize this is the old fashioned way, but it  helps a lot.

Start right now with the “checks and balances” list I have given you below. Print it off (copy and paste if you need to) so you have this checklist with you all day. Check off each item as you accomplish them throughout the day. See how it can balance you:
Checks and Balances:
I’ve eaten healthy meals today
I’ve gotten enough sleep
I’ve socialized/I’m socializing
My finances are in order
I’ve tidied up around the house
I’ve exercised
I’ve prayer and studied my word
I’m conscious of/keeping track of my spending
I’ve taken time for myself: a bike ride, a movie, a nice meal, etc…
I’ve created a distinction between work and play and haven’t let one bleed into the other
I’ve made time for my family and pets
I’ve made time for romance with my partner

I've taken the liberty to highlight some things that I think each one of us  should consider important in our daily life. Remember, start small and add as you grow in Time Management.

 Enjoy this exercise of learning how to balance your day and your life. It takes practice and patience. Start with tackling just a couple of things on the list so you don’t get overwhelmed at first. As you get more comfortable, you can add more “balances” from this list to your day. Feel free to create new items to add to the list as well, as everyone has their own needs. It will actually become fun. Balancing your life is similar to juggling, so keep throwing those balls up in the air and give yourself the hands to catch them. So start today and enjoy it all.

Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr 
the 4 gifts God blessed his life with

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