Sunday, July 22, 2012


Life is all about choices. We are making choices every second of every day, from the thoughts we put in our heads to what we put in our mouths and what we say to our friends. We also make choices on how much money we spend, how to spend our time, what to read, what to watch, what to wear, etc… These are just a few of the choices we make every single second of every single day. Your choices determine your destiny. Here’s how it all works:
Let’s say you are invited to a party and can’t decide whether or not to go. But something in your gut says, “GO!” and you follow that instinct. At this party, you are introduced to your future significant other without even realizing it. Just think: if you didn’t go to this party, you might not have ever met this person.
I am a believer that when I get invited to things or my intuition is telling me to go in a certain direction (left or right), I listen very strongly these days.

Proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth is way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

John 10:4-5
And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they  know his voice.
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for the know not the voice of strangers.

 It’s really exciting when you start paying attention to your inner voice; that inner gut feeling telling you to do something. When I start listening, I make the right decisions and choices. 

Your problem is your  solution and your solution is your problem.

What is a choice? A choice is a decision you make to do something now or in the future. It can help or hinder you depending on what your choice is based on for that moment. If it hinders you, you probably have a lesson to be learned. If it feels light and you get that feel-good feeling, it means you’ve made the right choice. And I know that you all know what that feeling is. You feel lighter, elevated and stand tall within yourself, knowing in your heart that you have made the right choice.
Let's take a moment and look at choice, this is a 6  letter word and six is the number of man. So looking at it a little more closer we now realize, that what ever inner voice you listen to that is the part of  you that at that point in your life becomes your strong man. and the unveiling of either the flesh or the spirit man....(or voice).
Think for a minute before you make choices in your life. Maybe even sleep on it if you have the time. Choices are important because they affect your life, your being and your destiny. It also affects those around you as well. So choose wisely, because your life should be about making the right choices about love and happiness for yourself.
Choose what’s in your heart and watch the perfection and the fulfillment of you life unfold before your very eyes. Don’t be afraid to live the life of your dreams. Don't allow your past relationships, hurts and pains to make the decision for you, It's important that we don't allow our past to imprison  us, and to affect our future.  The door you are saying NO to maybe the door you have been praying for and waiting on....  Choose what you want in your life. You deserve it more than you could possibly ever know!

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By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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