Saturday, August 18, 2012

Restore the relationship and repair the Family

Restore the relationship and repair the Family

Old Fashioned Things…

Genesis 28:14
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Do you miss the old fashioned way of doing things, like writing or receiving a letter in your mailbox, you know the physical one that you get pieces of paper with a much more personal feeling to it because they took the time to write the letter out...., not the virtual one on your computer? Remember that first letter you got from your first love whether it was a letter or just a note....
Wow.. Letter writing was so romantic, so personal and truthful.  I would love seeing someone’s handwriting, It was like you could actually hear them telling you about what one was going with his or her emotions. I know that I certainly miss some of the old ways of doing certain things. It was so much more personal.  Well those days seem to be  long gone. We've now entered a stage of Technology where you can talk to your computer and it will type out the letter for you as you sit back...

History tells us about 2 of our recent Presidents,  President Regan and President Bush, both wrote such beautiful heart felt love letters to their wives…so poetic and romantic. We all need a little good old-fashioned love and romance…You know what I mean a spark. Remember the first time you looked into her eyes or saw her across the room....She captivated you  with her eyes, smile and  voice....
When was the last time you got a letter from someone?

I miss going to the mailbox and getting letters, but once in a blue moon I do get one and I am so grateful for so many reasons: someone took the time to pick out a card (or some form of stationary), and then sat down and wrote out their thoughts. Then they had to get a stamp from the post office and mail it. I used to get the most romantic letters from an old lover, who I’ll call, Just to hear her just that there is  such a personal tone to every word she speaks.
There is something to be said for good, old-fashioned romance. Isn’t it worth spending under $5 to share your love and thoughts with someone you care about? You know my father use to go get a hand full of romantic cards and sign from your secret admirer and drop them one per  day in a local mailbox to my mother...I remember wow that made my mothers day...just try it...... Do you know how great you’ll make them feel? The rewards could be incredible......And it’s all about love anyway. So get out that pen and a special card (or a piece of paper) and send a love letter to a friend, a grandparent or even a lover. Not only will they feel great, but you will as well.  I challenge you write that special person in your life a hand written love letter and Mail your love today!
Friend, if you are struggling with what to write that special person in your life and the thought of expressing your feelings just have you speechless take a break and go to the Word of God....Yes friend the Word of God....Christ was the most romantic and passionate man  to his bride that there ever was. You can find some of the most romantic love letters in the book of Song of Solomon.
For the scriptures does declare in:
Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

Let's repair the bonds of Matrimony, and we will see restoration in the families.  Remember a family that prays together stays together. and we can begin to live and abide where God intended us to be as the Scripture does declare in
Genesis 28:14
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
 "Daddy and his Daughter"
By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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