Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where's my healing?

The Healing Powers of The Great Outdoors

Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

This past week I heard somebody call a friend of theirs a “tree-hugger,” I could not help but ask them what they meant by that....The response was interesting as they began to tell me that it was a old term that attached itself to anyone who viewed Nature as something more than just a pretty sight. But now, with the onslaught of rapid development, changes in  technologies and much longer work days, many of us are flocking to the Great Outdoors in search of some well-deserved

I've traveled all over this country, been blessed to see many great sites, and it's amazing that when you stop and think...that we serve a God that in 6 days he placed everything in it's order....
God took nothing and made something
And took something and hung it on nothing

I remember being in the great state of Louisiana and telling a very dear friend I wanted to see the ocean, and her reply to me was simply it's nothing more than a body of water......and then one day she came to Colorado and I drove her around to sight see, she was in awe at the mountains. lol....and my reply to her was there just mountains....Not taking time to step back and marvel at the creation that was dropped into place by a Awesome God.....Minus the breathtaking views and all the grandeur that usually comes with such memorable destinations, it had all the workings of a stressful assignment. But then… God took me in a moments notice into the scripture and let me know everything has a purpose, and it's up to us to use what God has provided for us.
My friend, there is healing that God has provided for us that we have yet to take advantage of ...The bible says in
III John 1: 2
Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
 So it's up to us to use the simple things God has given us for Peace, Healing and comfort.
Whether it was the soothing scent of pine, the absence of traffic or the view as far as the eye can see, something else was at play. My natural surroundings affected not only my emotional but physical felt better...It was amazing to me how it affected me in a positive way. I was able to clear my mind, drop my anxieties and feel happy, but, how? Could a pine tree make me smile? Could a mountain take away my deadlines? Would the sounds of a nearby brook change the fact that back in the city, life was barreling through at a million miles per second? Apparently, yes.

According to Senior Research Associate the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Gary Has,
We have an innate emotional and physical dependency on our natural environment. With our ‘ecological unconscious’ considered to be the foundation of our sanity.
And he seems to be onto something there. Studies have shown that outdoor activities help increase self-esteem and reduce
depression, tension, anger and even symptoms of ADHD and Bipolar disorders.
In a Harvard Medical School Special Health Report, titled Understanding Depression,” it was concluded that regular exercise can improve mood in people with mild to moderate depression and may also play a supporting role in treating severe depression.

But, medical studies aside, nature certainly has incredible healing powers. Whether you hike your local mountain, walk the park, garden each morning, or volunteer for conservation work, you are freeing your mind from stress and that is creating a powerful and positive impact on our lives.
I urge after reading this gather your family and where ever you live take a ride around the country side and  let God bring peace and comfort to your life. Thank You.

By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.
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