Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Self love is the Cure


It ‘s an unconditional love and respect for you! It’s having self-acceptance, self-respect and self–praise for who you are. It’s a process that is ever evolving; it’s about opening your heart and learning to feel safe within yourself. Isn’t it time to change your negativity and get off  the “train wreck” right now?

 Sometimes this is easier said than done. This is what happens when you don’t give yourself the amount of self-love that you need (I am sure many of you are familiar with these issues more than not): There is tightening in your stomach, neck and back. 

Un-forgiveness  actually affects your whole body and being. And to make yourself feel good you find yourself  indulging in (JUNK) foods, which have tons of calories and that aren’t healthy for you. Then you you pour on your own guilt for indulging. Then the negative voices come out in full force and they are beating you into the ground and doing a real number on you! Now you have become the victim when all along you should be the victor. You have self-defeating thoughts like: 

“I am not good enough”
“I don’t measure up.”
Or maybe it’s an old childhood belief that you heard time and time again your a loser, lazy, worthless no good for anything. And you are holding onto that  and can’t let go of it. Then you start panicking. You have panic attacks and you become your own worst enemy. Now you can’t sleep, your eating habits went crazy. It seems like everything in your life is a total wreck and you just don’t know which way to turn.

 Here is the new way to love you:  I want you to wake up every day. And go to the mirror and start saying, Wow. I'm good looking and I am happy with my life! it may seem funny and difficult to do at first,  but if you will do it day after day pretty soon even you will start believing it. Now  Create a list of positive things each day. Write them down in your journal, your computer, or on a scrap piece of paper. Post them on the refrigerator door, the mirror on your dresser. Another awesome place for them is the screen saver on your computer screen anywhere so they are very visible to you.  Just get them out until you start believing them. Here are some examples: 

 I am peaceful,      I am calm,     and
I deserve all that I want to create in my life.
Get on this road to loving yourself, and be the victor and not the victim. It will open your mind and the affirmations are working behind the scenes for you. It takes belief and courage to change your life. And only you can do it. It all starts with the right attitude, remember attitude determines altitude. and a shift in the way you think. Let go of your fears and step out of your comfort zone and start creating a new you, and a new life for yourself.

 Here is how you start loving who you are and where you are, and you start learning how to  accept yourself for who you are: And most important you now learn how to  honor your thoughts and feelings and allow yourself to be accepting of all that you feel without harsh judgment. Find healthy ways to express all of your negative and self-sabotaging emotions, feelings and statements. Say NO, to blame, guilt and shame. STOP BEING IMPRISIONED BY WHAT OTHERS AROUND YOU THINK!  See yourself as a compassionate, forgiving soul by forgiving yourself.  Break away and clear your mind from the constant inner critic and let the loving voice within you take over. Be kind and gentle with yourself.  Use all of these tools that can help you in the process of learning to love yourself. You are so worthy.  It’s the new way to be! Fall in love with yourself! Get a great night sleep every night. 
Isn’t it time?
 By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr
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