Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WHAT NOW???????

Is your life one big question?

"What do I do now? Where do I go now"?

80 percent of Americans state that the economy is a significant cause of stress while another 62 percent say that work has a substantial impact on their stress levels. But considering the economy isn’t on much of an upswing, and we aren’t leaving our jobs any time soon, it’s vital that we learn how to deal with life right here and now.

Think it’s an uphill battle?
It’s not. It's easier than you think and you can make it fit your schedule on your terms.For me, morning is key. I set my alarm 10 minutes earlier than I need to and use that extra time to walk outside. Yep, that’s it. I walk outside and breathe in the fresh air for ten minutes. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you leave the house and concentrate on your breathing.

When I start my day,  I work to control my day and not let my day control me, which helps to relax my temperament. I also take time out of my day to laugh. Another thing that I read was good was a cup of herbal tea, it  has less caffeine than coffee and is known for calming your mood. It also helps with everything from bone disease to cancer and while it may sound crazy, just the act of making yourself a drink can be calming in itself. When my day is over, I put my cell phone on silent, vary my routes home, and enjoy the sound of the wind as I drive.  The change of pace helps eliminate the monotony of an otherwise inevitable routine.

When I get home, I focus on my family, not what happened during the day, or even what will happen tomorrow. Then I take time before going to bed, for me and special people in my life . Pick something that relaxes you,  I take time to write in my website or blog, giving help to others, helps me.

Luke 6:38
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and cunning over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

 It directs my attention away from my issues and the chaos in my life, and I focus on the words on the page instead of the stresses of my day and by the time I’m ready to hit the sack, I’m completely relaxed and calm. Tomorrow, I’ll do it again and next week, I’ll change it up with some new ways to break up the Hum drum of life.

That’s what works for me, but by no means should this be what works for you. Find out where you have a few moments in your day (or a few moments that you can pull yourself away from youtube) and give yourself your own time. It’ll be a change of pace, but when you see your stress level drop severely, you’ll welcome it with open arms.

By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.Thank you for taking time to visit our blog please visit us at: 
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