Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Relationship


Marriage and Relationship, two of the most unique and powerful words. They dominate; bring control and discipline to any union between man and woman...

          God intended for them to produce unity, love, respect and Intimacy and to bring two people closer in everything that life brings. It brings fulfillment to their love and commitment to each other....

But the key is, if you don't understand the purpose of these two words (relationship & marriage) than you will never see the destiny of them fulfilled...

So let's take a closer look at them one by one.....

1. Marriage:
Webster's says: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. An intimate or close union.
I've have highlighted a couple of words that I thought were very important in understanding marriage....

1.UNITED: made one, being harmonious.
2.CONSENSUAL: agreement
3.CONTRACTUAL: obligations
4. INTIMATE:  To make know publicly or formally to announce.

WOW, as you look over the 4 words that I highlighted, you can almost see the problem that American couples are having today, and why separation and divorce is running wild. The first thing that stands out to me is the fact that 4 represents procreative power this is not just the ability to produce a family, but also the ability to produce unity in the relationship.

Without going too much into detail it's important now that I point out the phrase consensual and contractual..... My friend a relationship should be considered consensual but never contractual.... contractual produces a feeling of obligation and brings added pressure to any relationship. And you never want your mate to give to you, (whether it's a kiss, a hug or a very passionate act). out of obligation or necessity.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

Next, I would like to point out that marriage has 8 letters this is what God intended for marriage to be from the beginning.... 8 is the number of a new New Beginnings and Resurrection.  We can now begin to see how God intended marriage to be...Now as we understand about the institution of what Marriage is intended to be, that even in hard times Marriage has the ability to resurrect the love that captivated your heart and mind that first time you saw your mate whether it was the first date or as your eyes made contact with one or the other from across the room....

What was the one thing God had against the church of Ephesus:  we find in

Revelation 2:4
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

So my friend Marriage is much more than a paper and two people. Marriage is a new beginning and with the power to resurrect.....


Now my friend let's look at relationship:

Webster's says the state of being related, connecting or binding in relationship. A romantic or passionate attachment.

Wow, here we are again with the #4, four words that stand out in the defining of the word relationship.

1. CONNECTING: To have or establish rapport, to establish a communications connection.
2. BINDING: imposing an obligation
3. ROMANTIC: Imaginary, visionary, marked by imaginative or emotional appeal, with the expressions of love and affection.
4. PASSIONATE: capable of being affected by or expressing intense feeling, easily aroused to anger...

Now my friend, we will pursue further in understanding the word relationship. You also see 4 words that are highlighted in defining the  word relationship and again we see the world trying to put stress and pressure upon what God intended to be joyful, fulfilling and rich. Everything looks good until we see the word (binding: imposing an obligation).... IMPOSING: something against ones will, forceful, powerful. This was not what God intended for marriage.... this type of action. Is totally against God's plan for the institution of marriage.

Ephesians 5:21-33
submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. (Not in fear of each other)
For the

Husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body

Men it's important that you understand that you must assume your responsibility as the head and act upon the responsibility as Christ  did being the head of the Church.
(The husband has a responsibility as Christ does to the church)
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

There is such a powerful revelation in Ephesians 5: 21-33. I ask you to read this over and over again, asking and reminding yourself that God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Understand my friend, Love, passion, affection is not something demanded or forced. And it's not something given out of obligation or necessity. 

Now as we finish with the word Relationship we find out that this word has 12 letters and 12 is the # of God's government and governing power. We do not own each other nor do we have the right to be demanding of our mate. It's not our governing power but God's. My friend when we allow God, Not church, not family, nor Job to govern our love, our passion, our commitment to each other than and only than will our marriage see a new beginning and the resurrection of our first love and passion....

Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The enemy may throw things in our path, and we will encounter things that will challenge us in our relationship. But it's important that you realize that those things should draw us together and not pull us apart. God will use those to make us stronger in our love and our commitment to each other.

Notice the numerology
Marriage: 8 Letters
Relationship: 12 Letters
The # 20 means Redemption, Time of Waiting

Everywhere you look you find God's purpose...if both of you walk in God's purpose than both the emotional and physical touch, passion, kiss and intimate moments will be a moment of fulfilling God's purpose as Adam declared about Eve in

Genesis 2:23
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.

And and your marriage will see its destiny....In those moments of passion whether it's a touch, a kiss or a heated moment of intense passion you will reach the destiny of what marriage is intended by God to be. And the resurrection of that first intense feeling that you felt as he/she walked across the room and you could not take your eyes from them. Wouldn't you like to feel and see the renewal of your first love and passion that you once had for each other....


 Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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