Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Be Free

Are you Medicated or Dedicated

II Timothy 3:5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away,

We are nation  that has become bound with form, tradition and man's theory. And people are crying from the deepest part of the soul to be made free. No longer to be bound and oppressed with a religious identity.

Friend I ask you, are you medicated by religion, drugged by man's theory of God's word.  and finding that you have  
No overcoming power, 
No victory, 
No joy 
most of all no satisfaction and fulfillment in your experience with God.   
Maybe that is really only a small part of your problem, That is keeping from reaching your destiny in your relationship with God. Just maybe the problem lies in  you.....


    Your Dedication to your 1) relationship with God, 2) Your Family and 3) your Church
And friend it must be in that order......

Let's take a look at two words:
1: Medication: To medicine or the art of healing capable of being cured (Please pay close attention to the word capable)
2: Dedication: To set apart and consecrate to a holy purpose; to give oneself wholly to a worthy purpose to inscribe and commit.

Friend, Let's be dedicated to the purpose God has set before us....

If you would like a full teaching on this, Please contact Dr. Smith at 
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Dr Michael N. Smith Sr

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