Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Be the Real Deal!

Are You The REAL DEAL?

Do you have integrity? Do you live your life with sincerity and truth? are you totally honest with yourself?
Do you walk the walk,
do you talk the talk,
or are you just full of bologna?

Have you become more comfortable with who you are and what you are? and are you learning to be quiet within yourself, it’s not about a big grand show. It’s about letting your inner voice and knowledge shine through to the world. It's not always what you say that makes the impact, it's what you don't say, and then how you allow it to shine thru your life. Saying something is one thing, but following it through causes the impact. Staying away from gossip and negativity. It’s about owning your right to be a human being on this planet and knowing you are worthy to be here. Worthy to be alive, well, happy, successful, and abundant.

What is it that makes someone the real deal? you know that gives them that inward confidence that makes them feel they cannot fail. You can kind of just tell when you walk into a room who has the confidence without the cockiness. There’s a big difference between confidence and arrogance. There isn’t a person in the world that likes someone who’s arrogant. But everyone loves someone who’s confident.

Confidence is the quieter you. It’s not boasting or bragging. It’s being humble. It’s living life to experiencing new things, new opportunities, and new people. It’s getting out of your own comfort zone and challenging yourself. You ever heard the old saying action speaks louder than words. It's time for the Breaking down of those barriers of fear and isolation and shame. It’s saying that I’m ok in my own skin. I like me. When you truly like you, you are the real deal! Being comfortable with you will make everyone around you comfortable with you and with who they are. It's important that we understand that we don't operate by being intimidated or intermediating someone else.

The biggest relationship we have in life is the one we have with ourselves. Yes, we have mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and lovers and children and friends. But you are brought into this world alone, as one, and you go out as one. Along the way we share it with many people, but when we really get down to it, the relationship that makes your life work is the one you have with yourself. The key is being true and honest and not only
“talk the talk”
“walk the walk”
(because only you know when you aren’t really being honest with yourself),  Friend, it's time for you to be  the real deal. You will and those around you will  know it when you are. Anyone can become the real deal. So speak your truth and live your truth!
One way I learned to live my truth and become the real deal was a friend of mine told me about a book they read by  Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements.” The agreements are:
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
These agreements are something I try to practice and preach every day to myself. It’s not about gaining the approval of others, but learning to love and approve of oneself. What my friend said to me was very nice and made me feel good, but again, it’s all about what I feel on the inside that matters most.

So where do you fit in this picture? Do you see yourself as the real deal? If not, be honest with yourself. Take time for you and make you happy. Relax and don’t be so hard on yourself. Learn to meditate and let go and accept yourself for who you are! This makes you the real deal!
Come on take the advice of Nike

 Dr. Michael N. Smith

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