Saturday, December 22, 2012

5 ways to live in the Now!

5 Ways To Stay In The Now

Whatever you are feeling right now could very well determine how you enjoy the moment now and or your future. Whether you realize it or not, you are in the present, but are you really living in the moment and more importantly, are you truly relishing, enjoying the moment?
That’s the question. 

Maybe you don’t even realize it, there is alot of people just existing and not fully enjoying the moment and owning it. But the difference between simply existing in the moment and owning the moment is quite significant in the battle to enjoy your life and what it has to offer you, and I mean enjoy it to its fullest.
You can try to think back to a time when you were a beginner, you know that stage of being the new person on the job and your trying to fit in and still learn and impress your boss with something– when you had to be vulnerable, fit in and yet stand out right? Whether you are in a new relationship, took a different position, tackled a new hobby or met someone for the first time, you probably let yourself go so that you can soak up the moment as much as possible, yes?  Well that susceptibility to all that is new is actually your ticket into the now, therefore allowing you to truly relish the moment instead of just thinking about the moment. Don't misunderstand me please; it's not bad to think about the moment, because if you fully understand the word think, it means to be a gatekeeper, a doorman. So in the process of thinking you can actually find yourself opening doors to new things and new friends in your life.  And regardless of how huge that may seem, it may not be such a monumental task. Simply trying a few new exercises each day can be all you need.
 So maybe you want to try it out? Maybe you want to soak up life as if every day was your last. If you realize life’s little gems, but want to hold them longer, then try these five exercises. But don’t do it for the people around you, and please don't live for the people around you, and certainly don’t do it for me. I don’t want you to think of this as anything other than what should come naturally.  And there’s nothing better than something that feels natural, is there?  Here they are…
1. Spend one-day email free.
It doesn’t matter which day, but it’s likely that when you look past your computer screen, you pick up on things that may have slipped by before.
2. Consciously eat your favorite meal.
It may sound silly, but by concentrating on the ingredients of each bite, you’re more likely to enjoy that dish on a whole other level. You might savor the tastes and the experience much more when you hone in on the meal itself.
3. Make a decision immediately.
Take control of your life, your today and tomorrow. It’s easy to defer a solution or take your time to mull over the right answer, but when you immediately make a decision, you’re likely to see the situation at hand with a clearer outlook.
4. Look up at the sky and describe it.
I’ve heard this one before and it may sound crazy to some of you, but if you actually take the few moments that it requires to simply looking up. Remember the writer David said in
Psalm 121:1-2
1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
 – You may see the patterns between the clouds I guess what I'm trying to say is  “read between the lines.” By sounding out the description of what you’re looking at, your Mind, heart begins to registers the details and easily transports you into that scene and that scene only.
5. Take a different route to work.
You and I don't realize how different things in our lives have imprisoned us. Ever if it's by the route we drive to work, However you get to work, you’d be surprised how mechanical that journey has become. Sometimes you don’t even know the names of the streets, but you could most likely drive it in your sleep. By taking a different route, you expose yourself to new things that help you remain in the moment. lol...You ever been behind someone when you were in a hurry caught up in the hustle of life, and you make the comment...Are they taking the Sunday afternoon scenic drive? Maybe you should try it....
 So give these a try and who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself living, enjoying and owning  the moment. I urge you don't let life pass you by!!!! get hooked on being in the moment! 

Psalm 118:24
24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

 Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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