Sunday, December 9, 2012

Water and it's purpose

"The Power of Water"


Water makes me feel refreshed, clean and like a whole new person. It's refreshing from drinking a glass, to just being by the water, and even the late night showers or baths. Water literally clears your mind, relaxes your body because it is composed of about 70% water. I have learned to enjoy morning showers. The water is invigorating and I have fun singing in the shower, lol nobody else will listen to me. I may not have the best voice, but it gives me a chance to express myself and just be me.
 When it’s almost summertime, one of my favorite things I think about is to going to the beach, creeks, rivers and I love the sound of the crashing waves, the fresh smell in the air, the wide-open expansive space and the feeling that I am alive and free. I love playing in the sand and picking up unusual shells, and rocks.  I even have a rock I picked up many years ago in the Colorado Mountains along side a small creek. As a kid. It reminds me of the sound of the ocean and being with my parents as a little boy.

 Being by the water is a time to contemplate where you are in your life, where you might want to go, who you want to spend time with and what really makes you happy. And if you stop and look around you, being near a body of water on a beautiful, sunny day, you’ll experience true happiness. And what's even better than that is the fact that it performs a spiritual renewal in your heart mind and soul. It's spiritual significance  is amazing in itself. It represents the spirit and it's purification powers and abilities.
 So get outside, go to the beach, a lake or a stream and bathe in it, or just sit by it and listen to the water...It's amazing that water can and will create it's own path, no matter the obstacles in the way. So drink some water, swim get wet and put your hands up in the sky and say, “I am alive, I am happy, I am free and I am loving my life today.” Friend, you are experiecing the purifying, cleansing and renewing  power of  God's creation and as it performs it's masterful touch on your body, soul and spirit. 
 And don’t forget to DRINK water. Remember, up to 60% of the human body is water. Water is not only a necessity; it’s a gift. It’s powerful healing source given to us from God above. We are surrounded by water. So drink it, bathe in it and listen to the healing sounds on a rainy day. Water is anointed, blessed with the touch of the master's strong touch and so are you!
John 7:38
38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
John 4:14
14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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