Saturday, July 28, 2012


“Everyone needs a certain amount of money. Beyond that, we pursue money because we know how to obtain it. We don’t necessarily know how to obtain happiness.”
What does money mean to you? Does it make you happy? Does it drive you? Does it make you feel safe and secure? It's important to remember what the scripture says regarding money:  Is it your ticket to freedom? Let me share with you new ways to view money.

Ecclesiastes 10:19
A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry:  but money answereth all things.
Is it your ticket to freedom? Let me share with you new ways to view money.
A lot of Christians throw this scripture around, and have no understanding what the scripture is saying at all, They believe God intended us to be
and yes the bible dose say in
I Timothy6:10
For the love of money is the root of  all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
But my friend with that thought in mind let's take time and list some scriptures from the word of God:
A Time to receive money:
II Kings 5:26
Money is a defense:
Ecclesiastes 7:12
Friend it's like when you look at "Hate" the Christian will beat you to death over this, but always remember this the word says People are destroyed for a lack of knowledge........
In the book of
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 8 the bible says
A time to love, and a time to hate;
see it's not the hate that is wrong it's the way it's channeled thru our soul man that makes it wrong. 
So friend it's important we realize that money is one of THE main ingredients in our lives. You can’t live without it. And some people can't live with it...... It’s a means of survival. Money is  accepted as payment for goods and services in exchange for a monetary value. To understand the meaning of money, there are many different ways to look at it. Money is a really good thing, helping us to live “better” lives. It can also be used in charitable ways. Something to be aware of, however: Money is not the root of all evil, The Love of  money is  the “root of all evil,” bringing destruction, corruption and greed to many when used improperly.
I find it easy to talk to  people about almost anything, but if you approach the subject of money, red flags go up. People will tell you their darkest secrets and their most personal sexual stories. But… ask them about money and   OUCH… you have hit a nerve!
People are very protective and secretive  about the subject of money and it marvels me. Many with money will tell you that it can’t buy you happiness. Yes, they are right. But try not having any money and see how that makes you feel. Friend the Bible says in
III John  1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy  soul prospereth.
So, it's God's desire that we prosper and be in health. But look at what is the determining factor.......Even as thy soul you may say but Dr. Smith I have been a christian for 50 years wow......But have you ever stopped and really evaluated your walk, and  relationship with God? The scripture says in:
Galatians 6:1
BRETHREN, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Friend, I ask you not for my benefit but yours. Take time and next time someone falls ask yourself , How do I rate as a spiritual person, not a religious person but a spiritual person and go to this verse and measure yourself and then you read III John 1:2 Even as thy soul prospereth.
 Money is really all about Prosperity Consciousness, and that comes from within you.  The definition of Prosperity Consciousness, as written in the dictionary, is as follows:
“Prosperity Consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. By using a specific set of tools, we can root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience lack and transform our lives on all levels, and attract a bounty of abundance.” Did you know you could create your own sense of abundance?
Friend,   just go to Romans 12:2,  and then read this definition again and see how it lines up with the scripture.
Do you work for money or does money work for you?
My personal relationship with money is unique to me just as it is to you. I have more recently become very conscious of how and when I spend money. I use to make a lot more than I do now. By making less money I have had to become aware of what I spend it on and where it goes. It’s certainly easy to spend money. Making it? Well that’s another story.
Becoming more aware of what I spend my money awareness  has really helped me learn how to budget. An example of this is food. I tend to spend a lot of money on fast food, because food because there are myself and my 2 sons living in the house so we find it easier to hit fast food than cook. I enjoy it. We haven't stopped we have just made adjustments in the amount we stop for fast food.   more reasonable quantity. The quality isn’t gone and neither is my money, and this feels so good. I’m taking care of myself, not depriving me of what I want. I’m looking out for my health and my money. I wish I had started this process a long time ago, but as the saying goes “it is never to late to begin.”
Hurry friend start right now. Watch what you spend, and where you spend it. Whether it’s, going out to eat three times a week or two times. or whatever else it might be. Becoming aware of how and where you spend your money will give you more respect for the value of a dollar. Let's be real Budgets, are hard with the way life changes from day to day and the arising of unexpected things. but when you start bringing an awareness of what money means to you and how you spend it, you will actually not only  feel better, but will notice that when there are changes unexpectedly you have a little extra to take care of them. With out  the robbing Peter to pay Paul theory..... Are you over spending just to fill a void, Whether it be loneliness, depression, insecurity what ever the case may be.  Take a look at where your money goes and see if this is true for you. Your relationship to money is more important than you think! “To know that you have enough is to be rich” Please take time and think about WHAT DOES MONEY MEAN TO YOU? and then please Tell us what money means to you.

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By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written. I could use this article on Hidden Treasures' wall.
