Thursday, August 2, 2012

Just Do It

 What is it that you want to give up in your Life? 

Do you want to stop smoking, lose weight, give up soda, stop being a control freak?  

Learning to give it up on something and walk away from it  can sometimes be one of the most frustrating things in our  lives. With a little discipline, a lot of perseverance and a good mind-set, you can do anything you put your mind to.

 There are so many things that I’m wanting to give up and free myself from. The first, and probably the most important thing, is the negative chatter that goes on in my head: the self-doubt, or maybe I should just say worry. I am for sure a work in progress,

(as we all are) and this takes a lifetime to achieve, but I’ve come a long way even in the last few years. So the trick to doing this is by surrounding yourself with positive affirmations. a positive mindset, it's important that we understand what the scripture has to says in regards to this.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what  is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Friend, I would like you to take the time and study these 3 words
1. Good
2. Acceptable
3. Perfect
 A positive mindset changing the way you think, and wonderfully supportive  friends. I have found that the more positive I am, the more I attract positive people, and positive events in my life. WOW...going back to the scripture that Thur our conversation and thoughts, and looking back at the scriptures listed  we control the outcome of our events  and the destiny of our lives We  find that  the bible says in.
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

I consider myself to be a healthy person inside and out. I get up, I eat healthy(sometimes), Study the word of God and meditate on his goodness, I'm a active person  and I try to put and keep myself in that feel-good place. That being said, I have some other Issues. I drink alot of soda in a day.  I also have a need to control circumstances and like many others, sometimes I get in a rush to make things happen. But one of my biggest weaknesses and downfalls is my love for Dr Pepper. As silly as it sounds, there is something about the coldness of it that makes me happy, quenches my thirst and actually gives me some energy. In moderation it's OK, but I'm drinking way too much Dr. Pepper  and it’s just very unhealthy. I have maybe 3 or 4- 44 oz Dr. Peppers a day. It’s hard, because I’m even trying to get away from that issue.

 There isn’t one  healthy thing about anything labeled “Dr. Pepper” Dr. Pepper  will make you gain weight and one of the easiest ways  to lose weight is to give up soda. No, one really believes that, but it is true. By decreasing your intake of  "SODA" you will actually lose weight. By consuming soda products, you are depleting your body of things it actually needs, (WATER),  and it's  slowing down your metabolism.
It is the breaking away from and giving up the addiction that takes time, energy, focus and clarity. But if you really want to do something, you have to stay strong with yourself OUCH and say, “I’m just gonna give it up!” And then you must follow it through. talk is cheap........

So what do you have to give up in your life? maybe a relationship your in,  Negative people around you, or just the negative conversation that we have.  Start the process right now and then take it day by day. Find out what you want to get rid of in your life. And Follow what Nike says,
“Just Do It!”


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