Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Never…Never…NEVER GIVE UP!!!

 What makes someone never give up? Is it their determination, their perseverance or a strong belief of themselves? It’s really all of the above. Are you missing any? What can you do to find it/them?

Ever since I was a little boy, my father told me I could do anything I put my mind to. He told me that I had to believe in myself and to never, never, never give up. This saying goes a LONG way! I have persevered throughout my life on many different levels. I started out as an  Sunday school teacher, wanting to be a leader and builder of lives, desired to be and work in ministry. I did what it took to make that happen. I went to school for it, I've been a Sunday school teacher,  praise and worship Pastor, a Co-Pastor, a Pastor, and a Evangelist and bible teacher and I worked and still work this desire that is in my heart. And when I think about quitting and giving up.....I hear my Father's voice saying  "NEVER GIVE UP"

 My interest in  Gods word was so strong, I would spend countless hours asking questions that nobody would dare to ask.
I had the belief within myself that I could do it, never giving up until I found my true calling…what really made me happy. As time went on.  I KNEW I had an innate talent and taste level. I traveled all over this country. preaching the gospel with a  “Premiere Vision”  that one day God would in due season exalt my ministry. I worked Job after Job, trying to fit into the mold of what the world says  a man has to be... and I kept hearing the the Holy Spirit speak inside me saying:
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
But I knew all along God had other plans for me, Yet, I was still searching for my happiness, and fulfillment and  never giving up.
Eventually I know one day God will open the door and I will serve as a Pastor once again assigned by God to build warriors for the Kingdom.. Still, something was missing and I wasn’t willing to give up on myself. Preaching made me happy on one level, but something was missing within my soul. Suddenly it hit me! I wanted to do something with people, one on one; something to heal them, spiritually, emotionally and physically. And elevate them to a new level in their relationship with God. And then I realized something one day.....that in the  bible it says:
III John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
 I knew I could incorporate everything in the teaching people how to elevate themselves out of the mess they are in..... I’ve learned that you can now achieve  Health, wellness, style, prosperity  and love, teaching people how to take care of themselves spiritually as the scripture says in Matthew 6:25-34, and in Philippians 4:19. That by elevating the soul The seat of all spiritual life, the very appetite, passion and desire of the spirit man will be blessed because the soul man is prospering and the results will show  inside and out. What I found here is that I never gave up on happiness until it felt right for me.

The point I’m trying to make here is that you should never give up. Keep reinventing yourself and find the passion within you to create what you want in life. It’s an ongoing process that is ever changing and evolving. Be patient and kind. Follow your instincts because you only have this life! So do what it takes to make you truly happy and never, never, never give up!

By:Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr

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