Monday, August 27, 2012

Planning your life



Things You'll Need

  • Bible
  • Pencil
  • Paper

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


1.   Deciding what you need

Evaluate your obvious needs.

Study, (II Timothy 2:15) You can find treasures. You can get great ideas from the scriptures and they are a good  to educate you on growth and prosperity. 

Decide what you need to meet your need. (III John 1:2)  Once you have a solid list of what you believe to be "must haves" in your life, you can lay out a plan of how to attack it.

Create a draft of your life plan. Use paper and a pencil with a good eraser for your first draft. Do not worry about being messy.
Choose your focal point for your life. Build the rest around it. the focal point should start with you, as you will be the foundation;  And of course God should and will always be the center point,  attached directly to your life and everything leading out of it.

Plan out the placement of key areas and elements in your life.
Make strategic Planning about the events in your life. (Marriage and having a family, Home). So in the season of decision you are prepared.

Imagine taking a walk through in your life, once you have your rough idea and plan layout. Look for flaws, such as things you might of over looked  and you now realize you need. Once you have corrected any flaws in your draft, mark the time period you will be  prepared  emotionally, spiritually and financially for those events to take place.

Create your  layout plan using The Bible drafting program. A Godly and Biblical layout program is available, for free. You can will find a suitable layout by both studying the word of God and consulting with your local Pastor for guidance. Take your time when laying out the plan for your life. The scripture will correct your area's that need corrected so you will be able to take the time to review any errors in the plans you projected. These errors may include area's of emotional, spiritual  and financial  conditions. That would present an unattractive view to your future. Make sure that you choose and allow God to be the foundation of all that you plan. Now you can get a really good look at the ideas that you plan to implement.

Print out your life plan. Proof the printed version. If you find any flaws, correct them.

...By: Dr. Michael N. Smith Sr.

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